Friday, December 18, 2009

Tune-Up #1: Blogging

Chances are you’ve heard the term “blog” being used endlessly, but maybe you’re not quite sure what blogs are and how they work. The point of the first Tune-Up is to help you become familiar with blogs and even start a blog yourself. In fact, we’re asking all Technology Tune-Up participants to set up a blog to share your thoughts about the various things we’ll be learning.

Your blog will be created using Blogger, an easy-to-use blogging platform that some departments are already using to share information. Your blog will also be a way to record your progress and will allow the Technology Tune-Up Team to verify completion of each task so you can claim your prizes and be eligible for the raffle to be held on the Staff In-Service Day. So, dust off those keyboards and get ready to become a blogger!

Before you create your own blog, you’ll need to know more about blogging basics. One easy way to do this is to navigate through Blogger’s Quick Tour.For those who want more info about blogs, check out this Wikipedia article.

Now that you know more about blogs, you might be wondering, “How is blogging relevant to libraries?” Good question! We’re glad you asked! Blogs are an increasingly popular means of sharing information and opinions. Many libraries use them to share information about library programs and services with their customers, and many people read blogs as an important source of news and information.

Yet it's not just about sharing information and thoughts. Blogging is also about inviting people to participate in the conversation by leaving comments.Plus, libraries all over the world create “internal” staff blogs to communicate -- not to the general public -- but to other staff members. We have several such examples at TPPL: three for the Youth Services department, and one more for Adult Services.

Click here to read more about how librarians and libraries are putting blogs to use. Then check out these excellent library blogs:

· St. Joseph County Public Library (excellent all-purpose public blog)
· Plainfield Public Library (Plainfield has several public blogs; this one showcases new books)
· Tinley Park PL YS Blog (“Staff Chatter” is a great example of an internal staff blog)

Now that you’re all caught up on what blogs are and how they work, it’s time to actually create your very own personal blog. If you’d like to see a video of someone creating a blog before doing it yourself, click here and press “play” to watch the "Blogger Tutorial." If you’re feeling courageous and want to just go for it, follow these simple steps and you’ll be blogging in no time!

1. Go to Blogger ( and click on the orange “Create a Blog” button.
2. Enter the gmail address that you created last week, then fill out the rest of the form top to bottom. Finally, click on the “Continue” button. (Note: the “Word Verification” step near the bottom of the screen is tricky. If you don’t succeed at first, Google will give you a new series of letters to try.)
3. Name your blog. Your blog name will appear in your blog’s unique Internet address like this: (where "yourblogname" is the unique blog identifier you selected when you set up your account). Remember to write down your blog address! VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: How you identify yourself on your blog is your choice. You can blog under your real name, or you can create an anonymous screen name. However, in order to qualify for the Technology Tune-Up prizes, you will need to register both your blog name and your real name with the Technology Tune-Up Team (see step #7).
4. Select your template. This allows you to pick a color scheme and design for your blog. If you run into trouble, visit Blogger's Help Page. (Note: you can always change your color scheme and the physical layout later.)
5. Create your first blog post.Add a new post to your blog describing your experience with Tune-Up #1: Blogging. Was it easy or difficult? What did you think of the library blogs you looked at? How can Tinley Park Public Library make use of blogs? Do you have any other thoughts on blogs in general?
6. Keep an eye out for the list of Technology Tune-Up participant blogs on the staff blogs website. Read at least one blog and leave a comment.
7. Finally, register your blog with the Technology Tune-Up Team by sending an email to Be sure to include your name and your blog’s Web address. If you are blogging anonymously, be sure to include your "nom de blog."

BONUS CHALLENGES (optional)1. Create an online poll for your blog. Click here for instructions on how to do this.
2. Visit Technorati and search for popular blogs or a blog on a topic that interests you. Add a few blogs to your blog's link list. Click here for instructions on how to add a link list and other page elements to your blog.

Now get ready for Tune-Up #2: RSS Feeds and Feed Readers.


  1. I think I've finished the Blogging session and I'm ready to move on. Yeah!
    Carol Z.

  2. OK I've created a blog. It wasn't difficult at all. The anticipation was more stressful then the actual doing.
    Laura (a.k.a. Glassy Librarian)
