Tuesday, December 22, 2009

News from the Field

Hello blogger friends! News From the Field is where the Technology Tune-Up Team will post information bits and tips for you to peruse during you Technology Tune-Up journey. Think of this space as that stop along the tollway where you grab a snack, wander through the gift shop and browse the massive rack of travel brochures while you wait for your party to come out of the restroom.

The Technology Tune-Up Team will randomly post information about bugs we have discovered and are in the process of trying to fix. Bugs YOU have discovered and reported to us for attention, tips for using some of the online tools we will be exploring, where the Cubs and White Sox are in the playoffs…you get the idea. It’s basically a place for us to share those little discoveries we all stumble upon while working together on the Tune-Up.


  1. The link for "this handy sheet" in the Getting started section has been corrected.

  2. Please remember you should not register for the Computer Classroom unless you are going to physically be in the room to work on the Tune-Up.

  3. Information about non-exempt employees has been added to the FAQ section question #2.

  4. Just a reminder that your blog posts need to describe your progress through the Tune-Up (i.e. be a little verbose). Some questions to think about answering in your post are: how easy was it? What do like/dislike about it? Do you think you can use it for work or just for fun? Also, include what Tune-Up you are working on.

  5. It has been arranged that a Technology Planning Committee member will remain in the computer classroom for each scheduled session.
